See this man in the photo? Do you recognize him?
25 minutes before this photo was taken –
I was standing right next to him in a bookstore. As I was looking at a Valentino book in a bookstore on the Rue de Rivoli near the Louvre, I took notice of him because he was wearing gloves and it was 85 degrees outside. This lead me to examine how well put together he was and that his clothes really truly looked made to fit him. And he smelled nice. If he had not been so animated while talking to the bookshop owners I might have mistaken him for a misplaced manikin in the windows of the Haute Couture shops. I hazard to guess he was excited about the air conditioning in the bookshop considering he was wearing those gloves, tight leather pants and long sleeved jacket. He also had a small posse accompanying him of which I had to negotiate while I exited the store. I realized he must have been someone of importance when I stepped outside the bookshop and about 10 different haute couture cameras snapped my photo. So if you see my photo in the tabloids let me know as I did not sign any disclaimer!
25 minutes later I came across this seen. -
One very gothic looking skinny model with a very strange necklace, stretching across the stone steps of a hotel and the man I was just shoulder to shoulder with waving his arms about like a conductor and then greeting people. Later as I watched them I noticed the model pick up some brown boots and carry them into her pimped out truck with living room and kitchen. They seemed to know a few in the crowd and I heard her speaking English. It was fun to watch all of this but I have absolutely no idea who they are. Do you? If you do please clue me in because I would really like to know.
This was not the first time I came across a photo shoot – Here’s another model standing in the highest heels I have ever seen and she does not seem very happy to me.
It’s not that I don’t have an appreciation for fashion or modeling I do, I just don’t keep up with the latest trends or even know the names of the designers. I have been known to be addicted to the show Project Runway as I really enjoy watching the process of putting fashion together. I also really enjoyed the PBS show on Haute Couture. It really gives you the sense that this is really like buying or collecting art and the work that goes into designing and making these dresses is truly an art form. These days the clientele is beginning to dwindle to around 200. In the mid 50’s the clientele was around 100,000 according to the program. The shows were not as elaborate in the 50’s either. You entered into what looked like a living room and some models came out. Today the big show with music and fancy makeup is part of the art. I do wonder if Haute Couture is a dying out as a practice. There seem to be a recent trend to display these garments in museums. I went to an exhibit in the San Francisco mueseum and J. and I also went to see the retrospective exhibit on Valentino here in Paris. This exhibit was very interesting because they put like colors and patterns and materials together and you could see how the lines, lengths, the drape of the dresses changed over the years. It was very beautiful to see all of this. This year’s Valentino collection featured this dress. The shoulder stuff looks like a bunch of circles cut out and maybe strung together but I am going to guess that it’s just painstakingly pressed to perfection. The photos really don't do the dress justice but we can't take pictures at the museum.
No, this is not Valentino’s Spring 2008 dress. It’s an artic deep sea octopus! Maybe Valentino got his inspiration from this creature for this year's dress!
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