Sunday, May 11, 2008

So it begins

Today is Mother's Day. This my first Mother's Day without my mother. In her memory, I have chosen to wear a sweater knitted by her in her 20's. It's a blue mohair 50's style sweater and it has a few holes that I need to patch up before the entire piece unravels. I decided to wear it to my knitting group a place where I am just beginning to meet new people and despite the fact that everyone is only a new acquaintance, a knitting store this friendly very much feels like a sanctuary. Today however, I feel like I need to honor her memory. She was the one who taught me how to knit along with many of other life skills. She was the one who taught me and reminded me how to acquaint yourself to a new town and that meeting new people takes time. She had moved a lot as a child and I think this helped her understand how to adapt to a new place. I did not move a lot. I can count the moves on my one hand but every time I did she was there with me showing me how to get out there and dance! It was this last move to Santa Cruz, CA from the Chicago that she was not able to be with me due to her illness but I think of her and feel she is with me as I learn the new dance of this town. With every connection I make I think of her. I feel she was the best mother in the world and I was so very blessed to have her as my mother. I think her most important legacy to me was a quote she gave me during one of the worst times in my life by Joseph Campbell. "We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us." So I find myself learning new dances as I travel through life.
This blog is dedicated to her.

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